Achieve a flexible and adaptable solution to meet the training needs of any organization through online learning
The OpenLearn solution is suitable for organizations with basic training management needs. This includes basic management of classroom and standards-based eLearning training interventions. The core solution will manage and track student marks and progress for SCORM or AICC web-based training, instructor-led courses (training events) and on-the-job training (assignments).

The solution allows training administrators to plan, register, deliver, assess and direct learning activities.
- Import, launch and track SCORM and AICC Shareable Content Objects and capture results within students training history
- Manage internal course calendars with vendors and student self-registration
- Create and manage training events of all types, including instructor-led, on-the-job, virtual classroom and practical skill checks
- Manage on-the-job training and skill checklists
- Scale up to thousands of users without diminishing performance
- Generate standard and user-customizable reports
- Give any user any combination of access rights and view privileges by department or division
- Centrally manage learning content and performance over the Web
- Freely create your own look, feel and branding through sophisticated multi-language content management and user-configurable “skins”
- Save time and money by reusing valuable content and quickly distribute personalized learning experiences to users across your entire organization