Social Media Learning allows learners of your organization’s website to create their own user profiles with highly customizable learning elements. Users can upload their own avatars choose from a set of defaults that Open Learn includes with the system.

With Open Learn Social Media Learning, learners can interact with each other in many different ways. Through the process of becoming friends, Social Media Learning users can send each other private messages. Users can also send friend invitations to each other. Access to a user profile can be public or restricted only to registered friends.

Commenting is a core feature of user generated content. Site visitors want to know how others feel about the content you post on your sites. When Social Media Learning users make comments, the system automatically adds their avatar and user name to their comments to personalize the exchange. Social Media Learning cComments are archived to a user profile with the most recent comments displayed on the profile page.

Social Media Learning users can submit video content in multiple formats. Like other user-generated content, videos can be posted using a computer or mobile phone with an internet connection. Videos are associated with a user profile.

Anyone with a Social Media Learning user profile can post photos, assign them descriptions, titles, and tags, and add them to their personal gallery or category-specific galleries created by Social Media Learning administrators. Like other user- generated content, photos can be posted using a computer or mobile phone with an internet connection. Galleries and individual photos can be displayed anywhere on the site using the Open Learn system, creating an unlimited number of display options.

Social Media Learning allows users and non-registered users to send messages and content to friends via e-mail or post to any number of social media sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Digg, and Delicious.

Social Media Learning users can rate and recommend any comment on their profile. Recommendations and ratings are shown and on user profiles. User recommendations and rRatings may optionally place the avatar and username adjacent to the content. Social Media Learning ratings and recommendations can be found individually anywhere on the site using Open Learn’s system, creating an unlimited number of display options.

Social Media Learning Forums can be added to any Open Learn Social Media Learning profile. Users can login and post using their customized avatars and signatures. The forms are customizable and allow for classifications respective to sections, categories, and threads. Social Media Learning Forums can be found by using Open Learn’s system.

New, user-generated content is automatically discovered by Open Learn. This functionality allows you to repurpose user comments and recommendations as well as audio and photo galleries anywhere on your site.
Users can display posts by most recent, most recommended, highest rated, etc. Comments can also be displayed by category.

Users can post articles of interest on the site using an intuitive, user-friendly interface from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. Other members can rate and comment on the user’s posts. Blog postings can be displayed anywhere on the site using Open Learn’s system.